
Sustainable and responsible value creation

Doing well while doing good

The A.P. Moller Group’s overall purpose, ‘Nyttig virksomhed,’ prompts A.P. Moller Capital to focus on ‘doing well while doing good’ - fostering sustainable economic growth and prosperity in the markets where we operate while delivering consistent and competitive returns.

To deliver on this commitment, we use our ownership position to actively encourage portfolio companies to implement international Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) standards. We believe that this mitigates investment risk, results in companies with better governance, more social focus, lower environmental impact and, ultimately, higher value.

We want our infrastructure investments to reduce the cost of doing business, unlock economic potential and support jobs. At the same time, we want to be an active participant in the low carbon transition and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, without compromising returns.

We integrate ESG throughout the investment cycle

Our approach to sustainable investing is set out in our Responsible Investment Framework, which integrates ESG considerations throughout the investment cycle, from origination to exit. This framework outlines the ESG strategy across our funds, ensuring adherence to our ESG requirements, including our commitment to align our investments with the requirements of the IFC Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability, and the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment.

Our ESG framework also outlines our approach to driving positive environmental and social impact and delivering on our commitments to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, including those regarding Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure and Climate Action.


Providing decent jobs and contributing to the local economies where we are present

Delivering on our commitments

We are committed to contributing to the creation of decent jobs and wider economic development in the countries where we invest. Assessing our social impact contributions in an accurate and transparent manner is essential to us, which is why we use the Joint Impact Model (JIM) to measure and communicate our social impact in a consistent and comparable way.

Besides substantiating our social impact, A.P. Moller Capital is also strongly committed to measuring and reporting our environmental impact and to supporting decarbonization efforts in the sectors in which we are active. We rely on a best-in-class third-party carbon accounting software to better understand and calculate our environmental impact. As an example of this commitment, our second fund set specific decarbonization targets which include reducing emissions by a minimum 25% for our transport assets during our ownership period.

Company Spotlight: Decarbonization of a hard-to-abate sector with Vector Logistics

Towards a net zero South Africa

With the support of A.P. Moller Capital, Vector Logistics has taken steps to reduce the environmental impact of its cold chain, including the optimization of transportation routes and improving energy efficiency. In line with South Africa’s decarbonization policy, the company put a five-year plan in place to reduce its emissions by at least 25% per pallet of goods. This goal will be achieved by shifting its energy sources away from fossil fuels towards renewables like solar power, as well as by exploring alternative forms of transportation such as hydrogen and electric vehicles.

Sustainability-related disclosures

More information can be found in the Responsible Investment Framework, which also describes how sustainability risks are integrated in the remuneration policy.

In compliance with the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (2019/2088) we integrate sustainability risks in the investment decision-making process and consider principal adverse impacts on our investment decisions.

iconDownload our ESG report 2023

iconDownload Emerging Markets Infrastructure Fund II website disclosure

iconDownload Emerging Markets Infrastructure Fund II SFDR Annex 5 disclosure

iconDownload Africa Infrastructure Fund I website disclosure

iconDownload Africa Infrastructure Fund I SFDR Annex 4 disclosure

iconDownload Statement on principle adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors

Where to find us


A.P. Møller Capital P/S
Lyngby Hovedgade 85
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark


A.P. Møller Capital P/S (DIFC Branch)
Al Fattan Currency House 2-1502/1503
DIFC, Dubai
United Arab Emirates


A.P. Moller Capital (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
Marina Bay Financial Center
Tower 1, 14th Floor

A.P. Møller Capital P/S is governed and regulated by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority as an Alternative Investment Fund Manager under CVR number 38284967 and Finanstilsynet ID 23129. A.P. Møller Capital P/S (DIFC Branch) is regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority to provide advice and arrange deals in investments, to support the headquarter in Denmark. A.P. Moller Capital (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., a fully owned subsidiary of A.P. Møller Capital P/S, is exempt from licensing to provide advice on investments to its shareholder.

How to contact us


Melanie Beck
T: +971 55 588 6592


Peter Wernberg Nielsen
T: +45 20 44 93 77


Melanie Beck
T: +971 55 588 6592

Complaints & Whistle-blowing

A.P. Moller Capital has appointed the Head of Compliance as Complaints Manager.

Report a complaint

A.P. Moller Capital has implemented a whistle-blower system and encourages you to help fight corruption, business crime and other unacceptable business conduct.

Whistle-blower reporting